Tom Kersey

Tom Kersey has earned a reputation as a strikingly versatile and passionate musician. A staple of Tampa Bay’s diverse music scene, Tom performs with a variety of ensembles in styles ranging from jazz, rock and avant-garde to classical, Celtic and Latin music. Tom’s band KELP performs original compositions and improvisations influenced by experimental jazz, classical music, and progressive rock. Currently, Tom also performs with world pop/rock band House of Leros, The Florida Björkestra, Celtic band Tarbolton, and often collaborates with other Tampa Bay area musicians. Tim previously served as cellist for Jobsite’s award-winning production of LIZZIE. Tom has composed and arranged music for orchestra, string quartet and other classical chamber ensembles, rock band, jazz combos, solo cello, percussion ensemble, electronic media and more, and has had compositions performed by the Florida Orchestra and at Symphony Space in New York.