The blockbuster run of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead MUST CLOSE on April 27th to make way for the State Thespian Festival next week. We have 3 remaining shows: Fri and Sat (4/25-26) at 8pm and Sun at 4pm.
Over half of all of the regularly scheduled performances sold out, and many others were just short of that mark. Local critics and regular theater patrons have been a-twitter about Jobsite’s staging of this contemporary classic of the theater:
“The current Jobsite production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is the best version of the play I’ve ever seen … every problem the play has is brilliantly solved by director Katrina Stevenson and her four main actors…” – Creative Loafing
“It’s fun, fast-paced and relentlessly clever … Jenkins and Paonessa [have] never been better than they are here under Katrina Stevenson’s direction. Their timing – comic and dramatic – is excellent, and they both find just enough depth in their characters to keep us interested. If their performances weren’t so strong, Paul J. Potenza might steal the show with his manic and crusty turn as the Player, who is likewise elevated from minor status in Hamlet to a central role.” – St. Petersburg Times
“Stoppard’s existential play is filled with more head-spinning rhetoric than a political convention. It needs a steady hand to ground it long enough for audiences to enjoy the frivolity, and Jobsite’s cast and crew did just that … [Jenkins] captured the oblivious innocence of a child playing with matches … [Paonessa’s] sense of powerlessness was palpable … Potenza was outstanding as the Player. He commanded the stage with a dynamic performance.” – Tampa Tribune
This production is already the third highest-attended and top-grossing play in Jobsite’s history, behind only The Pillowman and this season’s landmark season opener Gorey Stories.
Jobsite truly hopes you can send us out with a bang! Since this weekend was recently added, we have ample inventory for all performances. If you need to take advantage of the student, senior or military rush offers on tickets – check back here as the week goes on and we’ll keep you updated if we expect any tickets to remain to those performances as of that half-hour window.
But why not just go ahead and nab your ticket now and be done with it?