Wanna play a game? Our ensemble is champing at the bit to do something for you, even in self-isolation. So far Colleen Cherry has started a “Ukulele Covers for Hard Times” series on YouTube. Amy Gray gave us a day-in-her-life (on her birthday, to boot) from snowy Colorado, and now Roxanne Fay comes forth with a great idea:
Tongue in Your Tail Tales.
You remember MadLibs, right? Well, check this out:
MadLib Sonnet 1 from Jobsite Theater on Vimeo.
So, to recap, this is what we are doing:
- We have selected a seekrit Shakespeare sonnet that will be unveiled once all of the words are chosen.
To choose a word, go to our Donate page, select the “Other” amount and enter in whatever you feel good about — even $1.A reminder, pick from:7 nouns4 verbs7 adjectives1 saucy adverb
Enter the word you would like in the comment field when you donate, eg “Noun – Dog.”- S
ubmit your donation and we will update our sonnet. - You have until Monday to vote on who will perform the finished MadLib!

Look, we’re not computer programmers nor do we have a super high-tech website. We’re sure that we could have put something together easier to work with but we wanted to try to get something out rough-and-ready. If this first trial goes well, we’ll look to see how we can improve it. If you like the idea, we can keep doing these as a way to entertain you and help us toward our Annual Campaign goal — now even more critical considering all that is going on.
Have fun!