Joshua Hamel

Joshua Hamel has always loved theater and is proud to be taking part in his first production with the Jobsite theater company. He graduated from Eckerd College in 2000 with a degree in theater, and proceeded to spend the next several years hurling his considerable mass with great force into the local theater community. He has sung, stage managed, wrangled volunteers, sold tickets, painted sets, braved rush hour traffic over the Howard Frankland Bridge, gotten hit by cars putting up promotional materials, worn giant rubber suits, and cut his hair and donated it to charity three times in the past five years, all in the name of theater. He is very happy to performing in his first professional acting role in Machinal, and hopes to continue with the company until they can no longer afford to feed him anymore. He also would like to thank his wonderful parents and lovely little sister for always seeking to encourage their weird son/brother who loved to tell stories. This performance is dedicated to them.