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Win 06-07 Jobsite Theater season tickets!

We here at Jobsite take a tremendous amount of pride in what we do. We work our tails off to bring Tampa a wide variety of great theater – hot new hits, classics and brand new plays created locally. We’re doing it with pretty limited time and resources.

Tampa has done a pretty good job of taking care of us so far, and we want nothing more than to see this love affair intensify. We’re in the middle of a season ticket drive, and we’ve set a really high goal for ourselves – basically a 300% increase. Why are season ticket sales so important to us? Find out here.

We believe it can happen (we’ve already matched last year’s numbers), and we’re doing what we can to keep pushing it along. Brochures should be hitting mailboxes today. We have TV spots running for the next few weeks. You’re even reading this blog posting about them. Well, we’re going to turn this into what in the biz like to call a promotion.

We hear a lot of good feedback as to why people feel at home with us. A lot of different words or phrases could be applied I’m sure, subjective as it all might be. We just love the fact that we we believe to be the largest, most diverse audience consistently filling our theater.

I think a lot of you have a Jobsite story to tell. The first show you saw, the best show you saw, the time the drunk guy was in the audience talking until escorted out, the time the set almost caught on fire, the time the cast came over to your house an didn’t leave til the sun came up … the possibilities are limitless.

So what brought you to us? And/or what keeps you with us? We really want to know.

We will pick one winner who will get a grand prize of a season ticket and two runner-ups who will get a cool swanky limited edition blue Jobsite t-shirt that says “I SUPPORT LOCAL THEATER” on the back.

To enter this contest, leave a comment on this blog entry with your best Jobsite story. Please include your name or a handle or something so that we have way to get ahold of you. We’ll pick the winners the week of Aug. 7. Watch this space!!!




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5 Responses

  1. While I know that I am not eligible to win (being a Jobsite actin/directin gal and all), I must say that all three of those examples (drunk guy, combustible set, party until dawn) have happened to me. Wow. I’ve been there. It was all better than Cats – I would see and do it again and again!

    Looking forward to hearing about everyone’s experiences! After all, that’s why we do this! SUPPORT LIVE THEATER!

  2. So, I happened to read an article about “Bloody Poetry” while I was employed at your favorite chain coffee shop. The VERY next day, a cute guy walked in with a Lord Byron poetry book. I was able to mention the play, and naturally, we went together. Well, the guy turned out to be a creep, but I got a lingering addiction to Jobsite out of the deal. I have missed very little since, and get excited everytime something new is coming out.

  3. I’m a season ticket holder so don’t really need another ticket, but here’s my most memorable Jobsite experience.
    Another night at the Shimberg, come to see a play and you get socked in by fog. Not the fog that creeps in on little cat feet, no this was not Sandbergian fog, this was the type of fog that lets you hear it’s mammoth steps shaking foundations for miles away, kicks your door in and says “I’m here and I’m staying mother-“.

    So I’m sitting in my seat waiting for the play to start, wondering when we’re gonna get to the all Neil Simon season, headlined by Jenkins and Paonessa in the Odd Couple, Holcom and Stevenson in Barefoot in the Park. Now that’d be some mighty fine, and commercial, theatre. The seats would be packed. I tell ya, they oughta make me the artistic director here. Face it bub, artistic integrity doesn’t feed the missus! Besides, it only really hurts when you sell out the first time, every time after that it gets easier, like prison love.

    So anyways, I’m waiting for the show to start when the red-headed kid, Jenkins, approaches me. I figure he must be going to shill for season-tickets, or donations, he’s acting pretty fidgety, or maybe he needs someone to hold his dog while he introduces the show. But no, he tells me that the entire cast is incapacitated from a batch of “bad brownies”. I figure I know what kind of brownies these bohemians are indulging in. He tells me that it is up to me to save the show, and that I can’t disappoint the millions of little girls who want to grow up to be like me and I need to perform the entire show. He does a wonderful job of acting deaf when I ask why little girls would want to grow up to be a bad caricature of a fictional first person noir tough guy point of view and doesn’t answer, he just looks sad and points at the one female in the audience who is the least farthest away from her little girl years as if she represents those mythical “millions”.

    What can I say, I’m a soft-touch, and that aggressive fog was getting too friendly, creeping up my pant-leg. There’d be no leaving the theater with the fog around, and besides, the stage was raised which would get me away from the fog. I pulled a flask from my coat and braced myself with a pull and dragged my 6’3 frame onto the stage. “And now for something really really completely different folks.”

    So for one night only, the one-man version of A Girl’s, or should I say Guy’s, Guide to Chaos was performed. It wasn’t as bad as I thought, but why did they have to insist on so many encores? They didn’t even give me one of those cool t-shirts either! You owe me Jenkins, and I won’t forget it.
    Oh, and I guess I’m not eligible since I don’t think this was a real experience.
    But it should have been.
    Hope you enjoy and don’t take offense!

    Fake Noir First Person Tough Guy Point of View

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